How you can help tackle climate change at home

Around the world, an estimated 97% of scientists agree that climate change is caused by human activity. From burning fossil fuels to chopping down vast swathes of rainforest, humans are having a significant and devastating impact on the natural world.

The effects of climate change are becoming increasing obvious. Flooding, drought, hurricanes and air pollution are all taking their toll, leaving the world a more uncertain place to be. As a result, more and more homeowners are taking action to limit their impact on the environment and do their bit for the natural world. If you’re one of them, here are a few ideas for how you can tackle climate change at home.

Use up-to-date-appliances

Although some appliances use a fairly small amount of electricity, there are others that require a lot of power to run. Things like washing machines, kettles and air conditioning systems use a fair amount of electricity, so it’s important that you invest in efficient appliances wherever possible.

In general, new air conditioning units – and other electric-powered appliances – are more efficient than older models. These days, manufacturers design their products to use as little energy as possible, minimising your impact on the environment while still giving you a high-performance appliance. Swapping your old air conditioning unit for a brand new one would therefore have a big impact on the amount of energy you use, helping you reduce your energy bills and do your bit for Mother Nature.


It’s hard to overestimate the importance of properly insulating your home when it comes to energy efficiency. The better insulated your property is, the harder it will be for air from outside to come in and air that’s inside your home to escape. This means that, once your air conditioning unit has cooled or heated the air in your home, it will stay put. If your home is highly energy efficient, you might only need to turn your air conditioning unit on for an hour or two a day to enjoy an atmosphere that perfectly suits your comfort level.

Create a bespoke heating system

If there are rooms in your property that are only used on an occasional basis, heating or cooling them to the same temperature as the rest of your house is probably a waste of energy. Instead of using a central heating system that heats or cools all your rooms to the same level, think about installing a more bespoke arrangement. For example, if you had high-quality air conditioning units installed in every room, you could turn them off and on as needed. This would help to ensure that you only use the energy you need and keep your utility bills to a minimum.

If you’re interested in making your home more efficient and more comfortable, we can help. Explore our site or get in touch with a member of our team to find out more.


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